Villa Villekulla, Haight-Ashbury style

Exactly 21 days into my stay, San Francisco feels like a good new home. The Asian woman at the corner store recognizes me as a loyal customer and gives a smile. I know the bread schedule of Arizmendi’s. And I know the rules of riding the Muni trains and busses:

For instance, it is priceless to know about the transformation of the subway into a streetcar when it leaves the tunnel. This might include a sudden disappearance of passengers who stand too close to the doors, because the flat floor will unfold into a two step staircase. I have seen a dog barking on that phenomenon as I have seen an Asian girl disappearing while making a sound that only Asian girls are capable to produce. Social rules might include – yet only witnessed in single cases – that you do not talk to people you know, but you send them a follow-up e-mail 😉

So, with the new Muni e-mail-friend we had an entertaining lunch at the Ferry Building. During a grilled Cheese Sandwich, I tried to „explain Vienna“. In return, I learned more about pillow fights and also how to operate a straw dispenser. They are still there, the moments where I am completely lost and where I need people to hand me – if you wanna stick with the picture – the cultural straw.

The day ended with my shopping tour to Trader Joe’s and a walk back home through Haight Ashbury. The colorful, freaky neighborhood where I always await Pippi Longstocking to suddenly pop up around a corner. At least you get a picture of a Villa Villekulla, Haight-Ashbury style.