National Weatherman’s Day

I woke up to the information that San Francisco would face a 100% chance of rain today, with the temperature dropping to 56F or 13C. Instantly I knew that this would be the day to fully devote to academia.

With the shades still closed, I started transcribing an interview I had recorded two years ago with a German exchange student in California. I spent the whole day writing her story, including her struggles with American culture. In between, I had opened the shades and reassured myself it was reasonable to stay inside today (it was). Then I went on writing, and by now, I feel like I have been in a one-day long movie with just one main character.

I want to give another weather information: February 5 is the „National Weatherman’s day“. Who knew? On www.holidayinsights.comwe learn:

„National Weatherman’s Day honors weathermen, and women who work hard to accurately predict the often fickle weather. Despite major technological advances and supercomputers, forecasting the weather is still a tricky, and ever changing business.“

Also they give the advice: „If you see a weatherman today, give them your appreciation for a job well done.“ Okay. But tomorrow, please, weatherman, give us a chance for sun again!