It is day three and I started to work on my dissertation. Looking outside in a tiny yet lush green garden, I sat down with the notebook and a coffee mug to officially commence my academic retreat. The instalment works, and also the internet has been stable since last night. Sometimes, a black cat with a red collar is crossing the lawn.
At 2pm however, I got jealous of the cat. Often enough, it is them who have to sit on fluffy cushions in the window while we humans walk by. Today, I was the one locked in. I changed that and took a spontaneous trip to Corona Heights, in Haight Ashbury. I had discovered that hill on my first evening, when I had watched the sun set from the opposite hill at Buena Vista park. So, I climbed up there today. Under way, I met various dogs, one photographer, and one Asian love couple hiding in the grass. Corona Heights is a unique spot, especially with the ocher bedrocks on top and the panoramic view of the city. It was probably the moment I realized that I am really here. I made it.
Obviously, Corona Heights has a heart for dogs. There is a dog park for them to play and next to it was a poster advertising a church blessings for „animal companions“. The event was called „Bless the beasts“. I like that. Also did I find a little graveyard on my way up – when I got lost in a literally dead end. One inscription of a grave read: „He loved us and hated other dogs!“ Another one: „Jackson. He jumped into our laps and our hearts… literally“. I only hope it was really a dog’s grave.